Contoh Expressing Possibility and Impossibility

By pelita nuramini - Maret 22, 2019

Expressing Possibility and Impossibility

1.    Making possibility
·         You possibly can sweep before you go to school
·         Maybe she is confused
·         There’s a chance she is sick
2.    Possibility
·         Are you able to ...
·         Maybe you can ...
·         Perhaps you should ...
·         It’s possible
·         Could be
·         There is good chance that ...
·         Is there any chance you should ...
·         It’s quite possible ...
·         I think there is possibility to ...
·         In all probability happen ...
3.    Making impossibility
·         Iam couldn’t be buy a new car
·         You may not go to mountain alone
·         They can’t possibly go to paris for holiday
·         We couldn’t be go to the supermarket
4.    Impossibility
·         Can’t possibly ...
·         There is no chance that ...
·         There’s no way ...
·         That’s no possible ...
·         There is impossible that ...
·         I won’t be able to ...
·         There’s nothing i can do about it ...
·         It is very doubtful ...
·         Impossible that ...
·         Couldn’t be to ...
5.    Accepting possibility dan impossibility
·         Yes, you’re right
·         Of course
·         I think so
·         I believe that ...
·         It’s certainly
6.    Declining possibility and impossibility
·         I don’t think so
·         No, i can’t, sorry
·         Yes, maybe but ...
·         I’m sorry, but it’s quite impossible/possible

Example Dialogue 1 :
Ria       : Hi, dit. What are you doing here?
Dita      : Hi. Nothing, why?
Ria       : By te way, Toni said that you go to Paris for holiday yesterday.
Dita      : No, it’s impossible. I go to semarang yesterday.
Ria       : Really?
Dita      : Yeah. Maybe Toni is fools to you.
Ria       : Oh, no. I think you’re right. Toni is fools me.
Dita      : Take it easy. We better go to canteen now.
Ria:      Okey. Let’s go.

Example Dialogue 2 :
Deni     : What’s going on?
Dito      : I can’t find my phone.
Deni     : It could be lost.
Dito      : I’m sorry, but it’s impossible. I remember that I put it on the table this morning.
Deni     : Have you asked Riana? Maybe she knows where it is.
Dito      : Yes, you’re right. I will ask her.
Deni     : I think she might use it without asking to you first.

Example Dialogue 3 :
Ari        : Are you angry?
Rian     : Absolutely.
Ari        : why?
Rian     : I can’t possibly go to Rina’s home to night.
Ari        : Why do you think like that?
Rian     : My brother drives my car and he is getting traffic jam right now.
Ari        : OMG. It is impossible for you, because Rina’s birthday party will start in 10
Rian     : Yes, there is no way to go there.

Example Dialogue 4 :
Amla    : What is going on you?
              (apa yang terjadi padamu?)
Novi     : I am so confused. I made a mistakes to Dela. But I had apologized to her.
  (Saya sangat bingung. Saya membuat kesalahan pada Dela. Tapi aku sudah
   meminta maaf padanya.)
Amla    : Then, What’s Dela’s reaction. Does she forgive you?
  (Lalu, apa reaksi Dela. Apakah dia memaafkanmu?)
Novi     : She does not forgive me
              (Dia tidak memaafkan saya).       
Amla    : Perhaps she is still angry at that time. You can try it next time.
              (Mungkin dia masih marah pada saat itu. Anda dapat mencobanya lain kali.)
Novi     : Yes of course. Thanks you so much Amla.
              (Ya tentu saja. Terima kasih banyak, Amla).
Amla    : My pleasure.
              (Kesenangan saya.)

Example Dialogue 5 :
Alan      : Are you prepared for math Olympiad?
  (Apakah Anda siap untuk olimpiade matematika?)
Laili      : No, I am not prepared yet.
              (Tidak, saya belum siap.)
Alan      : Why Laili?
              (Kenapa Laili?)
Laili      : I don’t have enough planning. It is difficult to win.
              (Saya tidak punya cukup perencanaan. Sulit untuk menang).
Alan      : Why did you say that ? You need to idealistic.
              (Mengapa kamu mengatakan itu? Anda perlu idealis).

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